3 Benefits of Using Fiverr to Scale Your Business [In 2022]

Benefits of using fiverr to scale your business

As a small business owner, entrepreneur, or even a startup founder, you may be overwhelmed by the seemingly endless list of possible things to do.

When you’re not spending time developing a marketing strategy, you’re likely writing social media copy, making reels, developing a course, or building your email list. 

But here’s the point: you don’t have to do it alone.

The Fiverr Marketplace gives you the support you need. It allows you to quickly–and easily – find a professional freelancer to help take some tasks off your plate and get you back to focusing on what you’re best at: building your business.

So, whether you’re stuck on designing a logo for your new business, setting up your website, or developing a marketing campaign, there are lots of qualified freelancers to help you achieve your goals – no matter your budget.

If you’re ready to build your business online, here are 3 core benefits of using Fiverr to scale your business:

Benefit 1: You get back your time

Time – is one thing everybody never seem to have enough. Using Fiverr to scale your business will save you avail you lot’s of spare time.

Here’s what these people have to say:

Matt Bailey, Founder of SiteLogic, has over 25 years of digital marketing experience. For the past six years, he led onsite training for companies’ marketing departments. “In the back of my mind, I knew I wanted to take my training and create online courses,” he says. 

When the pandemic starts, it finally allowed him the time to transfer his knowledge online.

Seeking support in creating an email template and drip email campaign, Matt hired two Fiverr freelancers – Reema Singhal from India and Andrew from Italy – to help him. 

While he already had marketing knowledge and experience, Matt chose to outsource those tasks because he felt that his time was better spent elsewhere. Plus, he hated writing.

“I don’t want to do everything myself,” he says. “I’m a firm believer in paying people who have a specialty to do that specialty; you’re better off paying them to do it than spending the hours trying to do it yourself. Sure, I could have done these tasks. But it wouldn’t have been as good as what Reema or Andrew produced.”

He found his freelancers on Fiverr by reading their reviews and choosing who he felt most confident about. 

“Reema looked at my website, studied my content, and went through my courses,” he says. “It took her about 10 days to complete the drip email campaign, but the final project was phenomenal. I was so happy with it. I will be using her many times in the future.”

Similarly, Julien Truffaut of fp-tower needed help creating an attractive website and didn’t have the time, or the desire, to do it himself. “I was extremely busy creating my course and looking for potential clients. I didn’t have much time nor expertise to create a website,” he says.

He was extremely pleased by the final result of outsourcing his work. “Now that I’ve found talented partners, I can rely on them for future updates and projects,” he adds.‍

Benefit 2: You Geta fresh perspective.

If this is your first time, getting an outsider’s perspective on your business may be the difference between a successful and unsuccessful launch.

When Matt Bailey’s Fiverr freelancer created his drip email campaign, he also realized the importance of this third-party perspective. He was thrilled by the final product; no revisions were required, and all he had to do was copy and paste the content into the email template.

“When Reema looked at my content and created her own, I realized that what was important to her would be important to someone who’s interested in taking my courses,” he says.

“I can write about my own stuff, but the person working in the field is whose opinion is important.”

Benefit 3: Helps you stay focused on your zone of genius

Perhaps the biggest struggle for creators like you is staying in your own lane. When tasks pile up, you might not have the time to remain focused on the tasks in your business that you love doing–aka your zone of genius.

Kathey Porter, BusinessFAB® Academy lead instructor, entrepreneur, speaker, author, and small business strategist, had Thinkific Expert Yasaf Burshan set up her marketing automation program so that she could focus her time and energy on her zone of genius: course creation.

As a course creator, she believes that the most important part of the job is creating compelling content. Working with Yasaf allows her the time to do so. “I don’t have the luxury of a big team in which to delegate,” she says.

“But, as a CEO, I know it’s important that I stay focused working on the business rather than getting bogged down with every aspect of every task. Thinkific provides a resource that allows me to get the exact support that I need from providers that know the course content industry.”

In Kathey’s case, outsourcing her work helped to give her time to focus on content development and refining her marketing strategy.

“Early on, I made mistakes and spent money on things that I didn’t need and that didn’t really help move the needle with my course,” she continues. “Outsourcing gives me those five extra sets of hands to get stuff done and meet my timelines.”

“There’s enough to think about just creating a course,” she continues. “Once you have a partner like Thinkific and a network of agency partners to assist you, the sky’s the limit!”

Final thoughts

By now, you should be ready to start using Fiverr to scale your business. Before we wrap it up, here’s a quick tip on how to outsource your work on Fiverr the right way.

It is advisable to do your research before hiring a Fiverr freelancer. Here’s what Julien Truffaut have to say:

“I described my project to 5-6 people on Fiverr, went through each freelancer’s portfolio, and hired a couple of people before I found the right person. “I would recommend outsourcing a small task and hiring two or three people to do it until you find the right person,”

Ready to start using Fiverr to scale your business – click here to hire a professional freelancer today.

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