Skool Review: No Bias Review of Community

Skool Review

Thinking of trying out the skool community? You’ve come to the right place. Here’s a quick, unbiased skool review that will show you everything you need to know about the new platform, and how to get started for free.

Every creator knows the struggle – you’ve spent hours creating that course, building your YouTube channel, growing your TikTok following, or cultivating a social media presence. But yet, you always find yourself starting all over again from from scratch when it comes to monetising your efforts.

It’s a frustrating place to be in. You’ve put in so much work, but it still feels like you’re a one-time wonder. You know your fans deserve more than just the occasional post or course. You want to turn your skills, knowledge and content into something bigger – a true brand, business, and community.

But actually making that happen can seem overwhelming and confusing. Where do you even start?

The great news is – you don’t have to figure it all out alone. At the end of this ultimate skool review, you’ll find out everything there is to know about the Skool Community. So, if you’re ready, let’s get started…

What is Skool?

Skool is a community platform for creators to engage with their audience. It allows creators, influencers, coaches, businesses and others to build online communities and monetize them in various ways.

Skool provides everything you need in one place – elegant tools to engage your audience, monetize through memberships and online courses, get feedback instantly, host events and so much more.

It’s like a masterclass in community building, content monetization and audience engagement – all rolled into one power-packed platform.

So whether you’re a passionate YouTuber, digital course creator, social influencer, or anything in-between, Skool is the solution you’ve been searching for. Keep reading to see how Skool can help you build a loyal community that loves your brand.

Benefits Of Skool For Creators

Have you ever wished your viewers could be more than just…viewers? With Skool, they can become superfans, friends and community members! Skool gives you the power to cultivate an engaged, loyal community that goes beyond just producing content.

Here are some of the benefits you get for using skool.

1. Build an Engaged Community Around Your Audience.

Too often, creators and their audiences feel disconnected. Skool bridges that gap by providing a space for meaningful interaction. They can chat, share ideas, help each other out, and really get to know each other. It’s like an exclusive clubhouse for your true fans!

2. Offer Exclusive Paid Membership Subscription

Skool allows you to monetize your premium contents by charging a monthly/annual subscription, just like an exclusive club! On Skool, you can build a membership site people subscribe to, then give the paying members access to private classroom, live streams, and Masterminds. Recurring revenue for you!

3. Convert Followers into Customers

Turn your audience into a community and then paying customers through interactive sales funnels. Guide people through tailored offers and onboard them from free to premium.

4. Enhanced Coaching Program

For coaches, Skool provides the perfect all-in-one hub for your programs. Add your clients, share materials, schedule calls, request payments and communicate seamlessly.

5. Host Mastermind Groups

Get next level engagement by organizing free or paid Mastermind groups. Schedule video calls, share resources, facilitate discussions between members and more.

6. Let Customers Support Customers

One of the awesome benefits of the Skool forums is that it allows your audience to ask questions and troubleshoot together. So, even without your presence, people can get answers from other members. This gives you some leverage to focus on your own stuff without the fear of an unsatisfied customer.

7. Get Feedback from Users

Are you launching a new state of the art SaaS/Product/Service? You can engage your audience and get input on improving your product or service. Skool makes it easy to announce updates, poll users, and have open conversations.

8. Earn Extra Cash When You Invite Others.

When you register in Skool, you automatically get a unique link that you can use to invite people to join the platform, and any time someone joins using your link, you’ll get 40% of their monthly pay. And even if you don’t want to intentionally promote the platform, any time someone joins your skool group and decides to create their own group, you’ll still earn the 40% referral – Isn’t that awesome.

Ready to get started on Skool? Click here to start a 14 days free trial!

See More Ways People Are Using Skool

Below, I share 5 top ways some creators are using the Skool platform. This is just a tip of the many ways people are benefiting from using the community. When you join, there’s a dedicated page on the platform where you can go to get inspiration from other users sharing their experiences.

Skool Review #1: How I Use 2 Skool Communities (1 Free, 1 Paid)

By Ted Carr: We made $50,000 last month using 2 Skool communities… But, do YOU need 2 communities? Maybe not. Watch the video below to find out from him.

Skool Review #2: The Step-By-Step Guide to Starting a Highly Profitable Mastermind from Scratch ($101k in 24 hours)

By Troy Ericson: I made $101k in 24 hours when I launched my mini-mastermind on Skool. Just over a year later, I’ve collected $1,056,000 & counting. Margins are 73% while I’m sipping pina coladas in Bora Bora… Watch video below to find out more

Skool Review #3: Two Effective Ways to Grow a Low Ticket Membership on Skool

By Ted Carr: I’ve tried a ton of different methods to grow my $49/month Skool membership, but these 2 methods consistently work the best for me & my clients. The best part is, neither of them feel like you’re selling anything. Watch video below for info…

Skool Review #4: Mighty Network VS Skool – Which is better?

By Stephen G. Pope: Why Skool Is A No Brainer For Your Community ($40K ~ 30 days). I’ve used quite a few community platforms in the past for running my consulting/coaching business.

The last one I used (and moved away from to Skool) was Might Networks. Watch the video below to see why I choose Skool…

Skool Review #5: Using Skool to Build an Automated Sales Funnel ($40K ~ 30 days)

By Stephen G. Pope: Hey guys I built a end to end video on how to build a fully automated organic sales funnel on Skool. Watch the video below to see how I break down the steps…

Ready to get started on Skool? Click here to start a 14 days free trial!

Who can Use Skool?

The platform seems most useful for people with existing audiences and knowledge to share, who want to monetize and engage their followers. It can work across many industries and niches. Here are some people, industries, and niches that could benefit the most from Skool community:

  • Educators: Teachers, professors, instructors could use it to build online courses and engage with students.
  • Coaches: Health/fitness, life coaches, business coaches could use it for coaching programs.
  • Experts: Industry experts in any field could use it to share knowledge.
  • Influencers: Social media influencers with large followings could better engage fans.
  • Thought Leaders: Speakers, authors, public figures could use it to engage with followers.
  • Consultants: Business, marketing, tech consultants could use it for sharing advice.
  • Artists: Musicians, painters, photographers could build fan communities.
  • Gaming: Gamers, streamers, esports teams could engage gaming fans.
  • SaaS companies: Can engage users, get feedback, onboard customers.
  • Nonprofits: For fundraising, volunteer engagement, spreading awareness.
  • Niche communities: Parenting, health/wellness, finance, cooking, sports, etc.
  • Personal branding: For anyone trying to build a personal brand around their work/skills.

Skool Review: Final Thoughts…

It’s time to stop struggling with fragmented audience engagement and inconsistent income. Skool is the all-in-one platform that provides the missing puzzle piece that transforms an ordinary audience into a thriving brand, business, and community.

Whether you are a course creator, YouTube superstar, share singing on TikTok, or post life updates on Instagram, Skool helps you profit from your passions. It’s the premier community-building and monetization platform made for creators like you.

And the best part – You don’t have to spend ages trying to figure out how it works, Skool’s intuitive system launches in minutes so you can start growing your community and income right away. With an ongoing support which ensures an effortless experience.

What are you waiting for…? Click the button below to start your 14 day Free Trial.

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