Top 4 Reasons Why You Need a Website in 2024 & Beyond

Why you need a website

Every business is different, and each business will gain from having a website in different ways. If you’re asking yourself, why you need a website? Well, there are various reasons for different businesses.

  • Some businesses will get more from the additional marketing opportunities such as ultra-low-cost online ads.
  • A different company can benefit more from having information accessible online. Even simple things like an address with directions and a map to your business can make a world of difference.

Some of the benefits of having a website for small businesses can further be summarized below:

Benefits Of Having a Website

  1. Makes the correct first impression
  2. Accessible 24/7
  3. It’s cost-effective with positive ROI
  4. Important for marketing
  5. Increasing sales from online customers
  6. Builds the customer trust factor
  7. Convenient for customers & accessible from anywhere
  8. Looks and is professional
  9. Greater audience reach
  10. Builds connections with customers
  11. Provides a resource and information data center
  12. Enables self-service customer support
  13. Low-cost advertising opportunities
  14. Increases company visibility
  15. Engages users with content
  16. Puts the customers first (shows you think about their needs)
  17. Gets important feedback from customers
  18. Opportunity to beat competition via SEO and better/more content

Do I still need a website in 2024?

It’s pretty safe to say that yes, you probably do, even one that you hardly use. Because it’s not just about what it does for you, it’s about what it does for your customers.

If customers are searching for you online (and they will be), then you will want them to find your site, while having your own social media page is helpful. It’s also unprofessional without there being an official site to back it up.

There have been many instances where a companies social media page has been taken down for no apparent reason.

You have to remember these pages belong to another company and not you, such as Facebook, Twitter/X. Social media companies do reserve the right to delete pages they host, and this is mentioned in their T&C.

So, YES! This is why you need a website in 2024 (and beyond).

This is why you need a website in 2024

According to recent data, as of 2024, there are approximately 5.35 billion internet users worldwide, which is around 66% of the world’s population. And, over 8.5 billion internet searches made per day on Google alone.

The internet is a popular place these days. Below, we take a look at what an online site does for a business and the reasons why you need a website.

We know it’s 2024 and not 1924, the business world and even society have moved into the digital era. With the internet and websites becoming increasingly important, and a useful requirement for modern life. But you already know that, right? As you wouldn’t be here otherwise.

Now, lets take a closer look at the benefits and reasons why you need a website, and how they will help not only your business but your customers.

1. Easy Marketing

Your website is your online home, the place that serves as the base of operations for all online marketing.

There are many different ways to implement online digital marketing, you have free options like putting out content on social media, directing in your website, or paid ads such as PPC (Pay per click) ad campaigns.

You can use your site to gather customers and visitor’s email addresses and send out newsletters or upcoming deals. A customer contact email is a great way to get customers coming back and getting new customers to make that purchase.

Nothing is worse than a marketing email from a public address such as Gmail, it looks unprofessional and untrustworthy.

Be sure to send it from your website’s email address. Whenever you have your own website, you should be sure to get access to a professional email address associated with that website address.

A site will help build your brand along with the services you offer and the products you have available.

A big mistake we see a lot is small businesses that have some form of social media presence in sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram, but no website.

While this does provide some access to the online world, it comes across as small-time and even unprofessional whenever a potential customer is searching for you via a search engine.

The options don’t end there, and a digital marketing article could fill an entire site, getting the basics down will put you ahead and ready to go.

And it’s ok to utilize all the avenues available to your budget, but a website should be the foundation to build those on.

2. Boost Sales & Revenue

A business without a website is losing business. Nearly 2 billion people made an online purchase in 2019.

Having a website can add a massive sales boost to any business, and lots of people enjoy buying online from the comfort of their own homes. The convenience that they get being in their sofa, on their mobile, in their pajamas and not having to spend hours walking to find a shop or even having to get up.

Like it or not, customers are searching online for what you sell. Ad when they find your site, they are more likely to make a purchase. Either directly online or after seeing your site and the extra information that comes with it, then deciding that it is worth it to pay you a visit.

So, not only does website help any small business to survive, but also to thrive.

3. Build Credibility & Trust

Not having a website for your business stands out like a neon sign in the dark saying “we’re CLOSED and we suck”.

Customers start to think maybe you have something to hide, do you?

Imagine for a moment a salesman coming up to you in the street with no credentials or ID, it’s not the best first impression.

Having a website is a professional move in the eyes of the consumer, just as a business not having one is an unprofessional move.

Your site allows customers to find out more about you, your product, and gather any information they need.

Even if it’s just the peace of mind that you have an online presence, this lets a potential customer start to take you seriously.

You are building greater trust with the more information you’re providing. Things like how long you’ve been in business, credentials, or even testimonials from past customers and a map to your physical company address.

A website is the first step in helping build a company-customer relationship.

4. 24/7 Accessibility

Your online presence never sleeps, open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. Even when working hours might be over, your website stays on without any additional work or effort from yourself or your team.

Super convenient for customers

You never really know when a customer might be looking for some information about your company. They have the luxury of being able to do this from the comfort of their bed; it might be 3 am on Saturday for all we know.

What if you’re in a new area and need to buy some flowers, the local shopping area is a little out of your way what are you going to prefer?

Travel a few miles there to possible find something, or have a quick look online and see if there is definitely an option there for you?

If you see there is a suitable store, then you are going to make the journey.

It’s the outlook for the majority of people looking to purchase something they haven’t purchased before. Maybe they don’t even know their local area has the services. They will check online first rather than spend an hour physically searching for it when that search can be done digitally in less than 1 minute.

A website gives your customers that ease of access whenever they want it.

Maybe they want to double-check your address and product, or perhaps they want a detailed look at something.

The time this saves them doesn’t go unnoticed or under-appreciated.

You may need sleep and some rest, but your website doesn’t.

Final Thoughts – This is why you need a website

As a small business owner, there are lots of benefits and reasons why you need a website. From presenting a professional outlook, up to making life easier for your customers when they need to buy or get any information about your business.

The best part is that you no longer have to break the bank to have a professional website. You can contact us for a free website design quote.

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