How To Create a Product Page That Engages Your Buyers

How To Create a Product Page

f you want to sell online, whether as a fresher or you’re looking to move your offline products/services online, you need to know how to create a product page. In this guide, we’ll look at how even a complete beginner can create product pages that look great and engage customers.

Here are the elements that your product page will need.

1. Include high-quality product photos

People want to know what a product looks like before they buy it, so multiple high-quality photos are a crucial part of any product page design.

As photos are the first thing people expect to see when looking at a product page, you’ll need to make sure they’re prominently positioned. Make sure people don’t have to scroll down to view your product photos.

2. Use Clear Pricing

Pricing is another crucial part when you want to create a product page that converts. So, make sure your pricing information is easy to find and easy to understand.

People don’t want to spend time searching a product page for a price and they don’t want to have to open a calculator app to work out how much they’ll really be paying for something.

If they have to do either of these things, then chances are they’ll head off to another website that doesn’t make them jump through hoops to find the price of the product they’re interested in.

3. Include Clear Delivery Details & Costs

If you’re sending out physical products, make sure people know where you ship to, how you’ll be sending the product, how long it will take to get to them and how much they can expect to pay for shipping.

If someone doesn’t know when they’ll get their product, they may be put off buying.

The same is true if they add an item to their basket only to be hit with an unexpectedly large shipping fee.

4. Include Clear Call-to-Action (CTA)

Calls to action exist to show people what to do next on a website. In the case of a product page, your main calls to action are likely to be something like “add to basket”, “checkout” and “buy now”.

Whatever your choice of call to action, make sure they are clear and easy to find so visitors don’t have to hunt for them.

5. Add Clear Product Description

To create a product page that converts, the product description section is your chance to convince people that what you’re selling meets their needs.

Exactly what you include in your product descriptions will depend on what you’re trying to sell and who you’re trying to market to.

But a good general rule is to focus on the benefits of a product over the features.

You’ll also need to make sure you include important details such as product dimensions, sizing options, colour options and so on, depending on the kind of product you’re talking about.

6. Include Customer Reviews & Testimonials

If you have existing customers, including their reviews and testimonials about a product on that product’s page can help convince people that it’s the right choice for them.

The idea is that your potential customers can see someone like them has found a product enjoyable/useful.

If you’re a new business, you might not be able to include reviews and testimonials on your product pages right away, but make sure you start gathering them as soon as possible so they can be added in the future.

7. Ensure Consistent Design Across All Product Pages

Keeping a consistent design across all product pages will make it easier for people to understand your site.

If you don’t have consistent design across product pages, you run the risk of confusing visitors as they’ll have to get used to a different layout every time they look at a new product.

As well as consistent design, you should also ensure things like fonts, the colours you use and the tone of voice you use are the same across your website.

Final Thoughts On How To Create a Product Page

In other to create a product page that will engage your customers, you will need to implement all the elements we’ve looked at here, so they are the perfect place to start when creating a new eCommerce site.

If you need help in creating a high converting product page for your existing or current online store, you can contact our experts to help you out.

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