Contact Us

Our brand is built on the quality of bond we share with our community. We value your feedback, and we’re happy to take your questions, inquiries, or suggestions.

Feel free to reach out to us if you have any question. Just drop Chinedu a message with the following email address:

Hello [at] seedroc [dot] com

Consider these things before sending your email:

  • Start with ‘Hey Chinedu’, This will let me know that you’ve read this page.
  • No need for long formalities, just go straight to the details of your question, suggestion, or inquiry.
  • If you’re interested in advertising on SeedRoc Media, Be sure to start your subject line with “Ads Collab”
  • I’m totally available for any kind of brand collaborations and would be happy to discuss further.
  • Please understand that it might take us some time to reply to your emails. I appreciate your patience.

Looking forward to hearing from YOU!
